Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pledge to be "Veg" for 30 days

Today is the end of my Pledge to be Veg for 30 days, and the news is... I am going to stick to it! :-)

Thanks for all of you for your support - and especially Jan and Cheryl for veggi-ing along with me! It was a fun journey and I feel like a brand new person! To make it short, I have resumed exercising and I have lost 10 lbs total during those thirty days! :-)

If you are curious about details, I have posted in my blog about my experience and discoveries.

At the end of my transition, this badge is my reward - along with feeling great! :-)

You can get your own badge here.

* ~ Tricotine ~ *


Süßstoff said...

How awesome is this?!

JanKnit said...

Congratulations!!! As you know, I started my pledge after you...and you have been great inspiration! I also feel better and will also make it permanent!!

Anonymous said...

YAY you, Jan! We are sort of "Veg sisters"! LOL

Your blog was certainly an inspiration to me! All those yummy recipes... Mmmmh... :-)

I made a shortcut right on my computer desktop, so I can keep it handy for meals ideas. There are so many recipes I want to try!

Thanks for the recipes and for taking the pledge along with me! :-))